Dufflyn Lammers
Samedi 15 et dimanche 16 février de 14h à 17h

Galentine’s Day Weekend Workshop

Prix :  197 euros

Transform yourself AND your relationships by focusing on the one person who can really change your life: YOU! This workshop is an opportunity to reclaim the you that you were before anyone told you who you were supposed to be. To fall in love with yourself in the most romantic city in the world.

Created especially for single women who want to cultivate the most magnetic, embodied, and undefended version of themselves so that you can attract true love.

UNCOVER. Leave the stress, the « to-do » list, and the heartaches behind and let your body and spirit land together. The movement and meditation will help you become more present, awake, and embodied so that you can open your heart to a new experience of yourself and a new experience of love.

DISCOVER. As you mine your depths through creative exercises, you may be surprised at what you will find out about who you are and how you love. This gives you the power to make more effective and conscious choices about who you want to be moving forward. This is the game changer.

DISCARD. With clarity and containment you’ll have the opportunity to articulate yourself and to be witnessed in your transformation. You will let go of what no longer serves you so that you can step into more genuine, fulfilling and authentic relationships, starting with your relationship with yourself.

Each one of you will walk away feeling free and beautiful and whole so that you can not only get the love you want, you can be the love you want.

Dufflyn Lammers

Your instructor Dufflyn Lammers is an American Coach trained in Attachment Repair, Tantra, Creative Writing, Coaching, Performance, and Intervention. She lives in Paris and is married to a Frenchman. She brings her unique combination of experience and education to this workshop with a mission to bring more love into the world.


Dufflyn Lammers, AKA “The cool aunt who took you to Rehab and Planned Parenthood but made you tell your mom,” is the go-to relationship expert for women on a healing journey.


Lammers is the founder of www.dufflyn.com where she offers online courses, an online community, and one-to-one coaching for women who want to succeed at sex, love and dating without resorting to tequila, Ben & Jerry’s or *67.


Lammers is an American Coach living in Europe. She combines a unique background in Tantra, Attachment Repair, Intervention and Coaching to help women create optimum relational wellbeing.


She spent the first 12 years of her own healing journey single until at last she met her match. It was a long, hard, painful road for her. But it doesn’t have to be for you! Her mission is to be the coach she would have wished for back then. Of course once she met her match she realized the relationship was not the destination, it was the beginning of a whole new journey. Listen, it takes courage to look deeply at ourselves and allow ourselves to show up fully. And, if we want true intimacy that is what it takes.


She co-produces The Good Life annual event in Monaco with therapist Gavin Sharpe and is now bringing her live in person workshop events to the Centre Element in the Marais.


She has the best Frida Kahlo costume you’ve ever seen, a self-described “hyena laugh,” and can often be found wandering the streets of Paris looking for Hellman’s Mayonnaise.


“I think it’s drastic to say something like Dufflyn Lammers gave me my husband, but there is truth to that statement. I really had some problems with dependency, codependency and addictive behaviors and she helped me see what my needs were with clarity and particularly just letting me see who my best self is.” – Maggie, Los Angeles.


Dufflyn Lammers dit “La tante cool qui vous a emmené dans un centre de détox, mais qui vous a sommé de le dire à votre mère ».


Elle propose des cours en ligne, une communauté en ligne et un coaching individuel pour les femmes qui veulent réussir en amour, et améliorer et vivre pleinement leur vie amoureuse, et leur sexualité sans avoir à recourir à des béquilles telles que l’alcool ou le sucre.


Elle combine une expérience unique en Tantra, « Attachment Repair », Intervention, et Coaching, pour aider les femmes à créer un bien-être relationnel optimal.


Elle a passé les 12 premières années de son propre voyage de guérison en célibataire jusqu’à ce qu’elle rencontre enfin son partenaire. Ce fut un chemin long, difficile et douloureux pour elle. Mais ce ne sera pas forcément le cas pour vous ! Sa mission est d’être la coach qu’elle aurait souhaité avoir à l’époque.


Bien sûr, une fois qu’elle a rencontré son partenaire, elle a réalisé que la relation n’était pas la destination, mais le début d’un tout nouveau voyage. Il faut du courage pour se regarder profondément en face et se permettre de se montrer tel que l’on est pleinement. Et, si nous voulons créer une véritable intimité, c’est indispensable.


Elle coproduit l’événement annuel The Good Life à Monaco avec le thérapeute Gavin Sharpe et organise désormais ses ateliers, en personne, au Centre Element dans le Marais à Paris.


Elle possède le meilleur costume de Frida Kahlo que vous ayez jamais vu, un « rire d’hyène » autoproclamé, et peut souvent être trouvée errante dans les rues de Paris à la recherche de la Mayonnaise Hellman’s.


«Je pense que c’est radical de dire: « Dufflyn Lammers m’a donné mon mari », mais il y a du vrai dans cette affirmation. J’ai vraiment eu des problèmes de dépendance, de co-dépendance et de comportements addictifs et Dufflyn m’a aidé à voir quels étaient mes besoins avec clarté et en particulier en m’aidant à être le meilleur de moi-même et à découvrir qui était mon véritable moi.. – Maggie, Los Angeles.

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